Privacy Policy


RemitNow is extremely committed to keeping its customers’ information safe. This information comes to us through the forms you fill on our website, requests made on our website or Mobile app, and or the complaints you make. We may also get information about you from publicly established database, like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc., when necessary. We ensure that every information provided to us are kept private. This policy explains to what extent we could keep your information private: when we could divulge information to third parties and your rights in relation to this information.

What we do

RemitNow collects, record and use information about You in physical and electronic form and will hold, use, and otherwise process this data in accordance with the prevailing privacy law (The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act)) in Australia.

The personal information we collect, and use may include, amongst other things:

  1. Full name of our customers
  2. Demographic information, including age and gender
  3. Address, including email address, house, and postal address
  4. Phone and mobile numbers
  5. Occupation details
  6. Identity card, which primarily include drivers’ licence, photo ID and international passport.
  7. Details of receipt of payment
  8. Your complaints made, both verbally and in written
  9. Unique identity, which may include your users name and password.
  10. Information about other people you are transferring funds to, which in include, names, address, phone numbers, email address and bank details.

What we use this information for:

The main purpose of utilising provided information from you is to enable efficient and effective customers services. We use this information to execute the contractual agreement between us and our customers. That is to process your transfer requests and send you confirmation. We also use this information for investigation and resolution of complaints, training, internal operations including data analysis, and to comply with regulatory laws and policies.

In addition, we use information you provide us for marketing purposes. These include sending you messages via email, telephone, direct mail, or other communication formats to offer you products and services we believe may be of interest to you. You may choose not to be sent any marketing information by unsubscribing.

Furthermore, information about you may also be shared with third parties in accordance with the law and these include:

  1. Our third-party information processors, who are legally obligated to use this information in accordance with our prior written agreement.
  2. Regulatory body such as AUSTRAC
  3. Organisations that provide us marketing services
  4. Fraud prevention agencies. This happens when there is an evidence of suspected fraud, money laundering, illegal activities, or terrorist financing.
  5. Professional advisers such as lawyers, bankers, and auditors
  6. Debt collectors
  7. Other service providers, such as Information technologists and web developers.
  8. Public agencies such as the police.

Keeping customers’ personal information secured

RemitNow has put in place adequate security measures to protect your personal information against abuse, unlawful alteration, unauthorised access, and disclosure. But it shall not guarantee the security of your data being transmitted to our site or mobile app. Any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received Your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try and prevent unauthorised access.

In addition, we take every reasonable step to ensure that your personal information is only retained for as long as it is required for the purposes set out in this Policy. Customers’ information are kept with us as long as you are a customer and for a period of seven years after a request to close an account.

Finally, our customers have the right to complain about any breach of privacy. If you have any concern about breach of privacy, please contact us at:

Email: or Phone: +61404426607, +61410628321